Le premier Indien champion olympique d’athlétisme : La prochaine étape est la préparation des Jeux olympiques en France en 2024.

TOKYO 2020 - NEERAJ CHOPRA REMPORTE LE PREMIER TITRE OLYMPIQUE DE L'HISTOIRE DE L'INDE EN ATHLÉTISME Neeraj Chopra d'Inde Neeraj Chopra est devenu samedi le premier Indien champion olympique d'athlétisme, en remportant le concours du javelot, samedi au stade Olympique de Tokyo. Avec 87,58 m dès son premier essai, il a devancé les Tchèques Jakub..

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French Spell Bee | Motivate students to Participate!

Pointers for Schools, parents and teachers to motivate and prepare children for The 9th edition of the International French Spell Bee (2021-22), conducted by LeFrehindi-Paris. WINNERS OF INTERNATIONAL FRENCH SPELL BEE 2019 Last year, Covid-19 shifted focus and priorities for everyone in the world. From nuclear families to large businesses, survival instinct kicked in for..

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How learning Spoken French make a university student: Job ready in Hospitality Industry in India and Abroad?

“The menu is not the meal” –Exploring languages has always created doors of opportunities for any domain. As discussing the importance of Hospitality Industry or The Industry of Welcoming Princeton plays a vital role in assuring the comfortability of the visitors. We see the universities taking efforts in organizing mandatory sessions for improving foreign languages..

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The French find India Attractive

Why is India attractive to the French Tourists? The current pandemic has brought tourism industry to a standstill however; thinking of travel is absolutely involuntary. Even though the idea of travelling at the moment seems farfetched, we are bound to dream of one. While we are at it, here are some insights I would like..

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