French Phd Student in Delhi offers Part time Job Opportunity !

From : Carole Treibich
I am a French PhD student at Paris School of Economics (France) investigating on the risk behavior on road in India.
More precisely I am currently doing a survey on road habits of motorbike users in the city of Delhi (helmet use, perception of police enforcement, road related risks and
accident experience). I am in Delhi till mid-September to supervise
the data collection made by an indian enterprise and I am looking for
a person to do back-check and control of data quality of the work
done by this survey firm.

Regarding the survey, specific
locations have been randomly selected all around Delhi and every 5th household starting from there have to be interviewed. In case there
is no member of the household using the motorbike/ scooter, the
household is supposed to answer to a short questionnaire. In case
there is one or more members in the household using a
motorbike/scooter, each elegible and selected member have to answer
to a long questionnaire. Up to 3 people in a same household can be

On a randomly selected subsample of the
1500 households that must be interviewed during this study, the
following back-checks should be performed :
* call the indicated phone number of households to see if the name and adress match and ask again some of the questions to check if the answers were not invented by the enumerators
* make sure the household with motorbike users answered to the long questionnaire. Make sure that in case there are 3 or more motorbike users (passengers or drivers) 3 of them have been interviewed.
* go on the field and see both if the 5 households interval has been well applied, partially reinterview some households and cross-check the coherence with the responses collected by enumerators.
The back-check job will be paid around
10,000 roupies and should start middle of next week and last till end
of August.

If you want any further information regarding either the study or the conditions of work, don’t hesitate to contact me by mail (


Team Frehindi