1ST Day of “Le Francais en Asie-Pacifique” a’ Chennai

The 1st Day of the conference had the opening session at 5 pm at Chinmanya Heritage Center on Harrington Road in Chennai.

Mme Anuradha WAGLE, Presidente d’Indian Association of Teachers of French, welcomed all to the 3rd Congress.

The inauguration by Honorary Judge of the Supreme court of Madars m. David ANNOUSSAMY ( Retired ) in presence of M Pierre FOURNIER, Counsel General de France a’ Pondichery et a’ Chennai any many other luminaries from France was preceded by national anthem of India.

Mmme Amrita RAGHUNANDA, Presidente du comite organisateur du congres thanked everyone present and all the organizers.

The evening ended with cocktail at Allinace Francasie de Madras with French wines and a lot of new friends and academicians from India and Asia Pacific.