The role of experiential education in promoting student engagement and motivation

Le Frehindi, under the patronage of Indian Embassy in France, conducts educational camps, summer camps and winter camps across India for students of Indian Subcontinent and the Middle East.

Experiential education involves hands-on learning experiences that allow students to apply and integrate knowledge gained from textbooks and lectures into real-world situations. The role of experiential education in promoting student engagement and motivation can be significant as it offers a more practical and relevant approach to learning.

Here are some ways in which experiential education can promote student engagement and motivation:

Active Learning: Experiential education encourages active learning, which involves students taking an active role in the learning process. This approach can enhance student engagement and motivation by making them more invested in the learning experience and promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Le Frehindi through their various activities and camps attempts to involve an active role in the learning process.

Relevance: Experiential education provides students with opportunities to learn in real-world contexts. Le Frehindi carries out various summer, winter and educational camps to learn in real world contexts. By making the learning experience more relevant to their lives, students are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn.

Collaborative Learning: Many experiential education activities involve working in groups or teams. This type of collaborative learning can increase student engagement and motivation as students are able to learn from and support each other. Le Frehindi tries to instill Collaborative learning in all the activities offered by them.

Immediate Feedback: Experiential education provides immediate feedback on learning outcomes. Le Frehindi offers this feedback in the form of observations, assessments, or self-reflection. Immediate feedback can help students to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, which can be motivating for further learning and improvement.

Personalization: Experiential education can be personalized to meet the unique learning needs of individual students. By tailoring the learning experience to individual students, teachers can promote engagement and motivation by ensuring that students are challenged at an appropriate level and that their learning is relevant to their interests and goals. Le Frehindi challenges the students and makes learning interesting and motivating.

Overall, experiential education has the potential to promote student engagement and motivation by offering a more relevant and practical approach to learning, encouraging active learning, promoting collaborative learning, providing immediate feedback, and offering personalized learning experiences.

Experiential education can be personalized to meet the unique learning needs of individual students.

To conduct Winter or Summer camps for your students in Frehindi Village in Uttarakhand or Auroville you can contact us at +919811237045 or email us at

Le Frehindi is student benefit organisation based in Paris, Lyon & New Delhi.

Aashi Sethi


Le Frehindi

To connect with the CEO of Le Frehindi on the LinkedIn Profile click here.