Why pronunciation is important while learning french?

More you listen french audios better you can prononce.

Pronunciation is important while learning French for several reasons:

1.Communication: Pronouncing French words correctly is essential for effective communication in French-speaking countries. Pronouncing words incorrectly can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can be frustrating for both the speaker and the listener.

2.Fluency: Correct pronunciation is also important for achieving fluency in French. If you don’t pronounce words correctly, it can slow down your speaking and make it more difficult to understand you.

3.Listening comprehension: Correct pronunciation also helps with listening comprehension. If you can’t understand the sounds of French words when spoken by others, it can be difficult to understand what they are saying.

4.Cultural sensitivity: Learning correct pronunciation shows respect for the French language and culture. It demonstrates an interest and appreciation for the language and the people who speak it.

At Le Frehindi we also emphasize on pronunciation while teaching French. We follow APPPP method while teaching French, in that we have special audio prepared by native French speakers which helps learners to listen and understand the correct way of pronouncing words.

Students Learning

Also, In the International French Spell Bee Competition which is conducted by Le Frehindi we have rule to pronounce the word correctly before spelling it, only when a participant pronounces and spells the word correctly he or she qualifies for winning the competition.

Overall, correct pronunciation is an essential aspect of learning French, and it should be a focus for anyone seeking to speak the language fluently and communicate effectively with French speakers.

For more details feel free to write to us at team@lefrehindi.com or frenchspellbee@lefrehindi.com

or call us at +919811237050/80


Coordinator – International French Spell Bee

Le Frehindi

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