Learning outcomes of Educational Tour

Le Frehindi, Paris under the patronage of Indian Embassy in Paris, organises scholastic exchange cum global outreach tour for your institution, that will enable your students to connect with international students community in France & help not only enhance their global horizon but help them to truly integrate with global society as Global Citizens. This..

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Launch of le frehindi Helsinki youth center

Helsinki is the vibrant capital of Finland with its beautiful Nordic culture and world-acclaimed education system. Le Frehindi proudly inaugurates its first Helsinki Youth Centre this new Year 2022. With the experience of more than eight years in Educational tours across Europe, Le Frehindi designs a holistic and experiential tour for students in Helsinki. The..

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The French find India Attractive

Why is India attractive to the French Tourists? The current pandemic has brought tourism industry to a standstill however; thinking of travel is absolutely involuntary. Even though the idea of travelling at the moment seems farfetched, we are bound to dream of one. While we are at it, here are some insights I would like..

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We are missing our ” Bonhomme de Neige” in early 2021

Every year starting October hundreds of students from Universities & Schools in France await the Indian students for an wonderful winter experience. One of the joint activities taken by students is to create snowmen called “Bonhomme de Neige” in French from the fresh snow that falls during the season from December to February every year. […]

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Études supérieures en France – Opération séduction auprès des étudiants Indiens

Avec plus de 30 millions d’étudiants, l’INDE représente aujourd’hui la troisième population étudiante mondiale, derrière les États-Unis et la Chine. En 2015, près de 300 000 étudiants indiens sont partis étudier à l’étranger. La FRANCE, réputée pour la qualité de son enseignement supérieur, est l’une des trois destinations accueillant le plus grand nombre d’étudiants internationaux. Avec..

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De l’importance pour nos jeunes de voyager et d’explorer le monde – Partie 2

De l’importance pour nos jeunes de voyager et d’explorer le monde – Partie 2 Un voyage vers l’autonomie Partir en voyage c’est aussi le côté pratique d’avoir à gérer ses déplacements, ses horaires, ses repas, contrôler un budget, être responsable de ses affaires (ne pas perdre son passeport, faire et défaire ses valises soi-même, etc.),..

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NAUSICAA – Joint Indo-French expedition of students in October 2018

Come October 17th 2018 & 43 students from Manav Rachna Group of schools, Venketshwara International & DPS-Ranchi along with their teachers & Principals will visit NAUSICAA, the French National Sea Centre Boulogne-sur-mer in France, which is the biggest aquarium in Europe. It is an amazing experience of the vastness and fragility of the Ocean. This aquariuem is built..

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